Monday, October 26, 2015

Day 12

Filed and sanded the Inlay's flush. 

Attached to MDF pattern and cut side tapers. 

Dry mock up

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Day 11

Got the fingerboard back from Aaron. He slotted it for 25" scale, cut the ends and pocketed for the dots. Unfortunately the holes were 1/32" too deep. So I put a couple layers of cardboard in the holes to build it up. Now the dots are slightly above the radiused surface. I'll file and sand them down after the superglue dries. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Day 10

Lined up the center lines and break line. Attached the neck to the jig. 

Cut using guide bearing. 

While still on jig, drilled the 3/8" tuner holes. 

Marked centerline on HP blank. Made sure 1/16" was overhanging break and attached to jig with double stick tape.  

Applied tape to avoid chip out. Drilled thru head plate using hole guides like in previous step for headstock. 

Gonna have Aaron inlay my "R" logo. I'll then use the 3/8" holes with locating pins to keep it aligned during glue up. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Day 9

Traced the head profile, FB and barrel heights on the billet. Then band sawed close to the trace line. Used the side jig to keep the billet perpendicular when cutting the barrel heights. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Day 8

Used the router jig to cut the heel at 2 degrees and the back of headstock flat. 

Noticed the two way rod I ordered was 1/4" wide the whole length, except for a couple weld bumps. So I filed them down to match the 1/4" width. 

Used the routing jig with a 1/4" straight bit at .375" deep.